Ovoid Leaves

Trees with ovoid leaves

Ovoid leaves are very common. also a large number of shrubs have ovoid leaves!

Black Cherry

The leaves Black cherry are elliptic-ovate, glossy, tough with two green glands on the petiole. The center leaf vein is brown tomentose. The leaf margin is serrated. Botanical name: Prunus serotina

Information about the Black Cherry

Fire Cherry

The leaves of Fire cherry is green, glossy and lanceolate. The leaves are 4 - 11 cm (1.6 - 4.3 in) long and 1 - 4.5 cm (0.4 - 1.8 in) broad. The leaf margin is finely serrated. Botanical name: Prunus pensylvanica

Information about the Fire Cherry

Bitter Berry

The leaves are glossy green, ovate and the short petiole is reddish. The lower leaf surface is dull, the leaf margin is serrated and the leaf position is alternate. Botanical name: Prunus virginiana

Information about the Bitter Berry

Goat Willow

The leaf of willow is broadly elliptical, pointed and up to 10 cm (3,94 in) long. It is green and on the upper leaf surface slightly glossy. The leaf margins are finely serrated. Botanical name: Salix caprea

Information about the Goat Willow
