Trees with ovoid leaves
Ovoid leaves are very common. also a large number of shrubs have ovoid leaves!
Black Cherry
The leaves Black cherry are elliptic-ovate, glossy, tough with two green glands on the petiole. The center leaf vein is brown tomentose. The leaf margin is serrated. Botanical name: Prunus serotina
Information about the Black CherryPrunus serotina varieties
Overview Prunus serotina varieties
Information about the Prunus serotina varietiesMahaleb Cherry
The leaves are rounded to heart-shaped, dark-green with a serrated edge. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Prunus mahaleb
Information about the Mahaleb CherryFire Cherry
The leaves of Fire cherry is green, glossy and lanceolate. The leaves are 4 - 11 cm (1.6 - 4.3 in) long and 1 - 4.5 cm (0.4 - 1.8 in) broad. The leaf margin is finely serrated. Botanical name: Prunus pensylvanica
Information about the Fire CherryBitter Berry
The leaves are glossy green, ovate and the short petiole is reddish. The lower leaf surface is dull, the leaf margin is serrated and the leaf position is alternate. Botanical name: Prunus virginiana
Information about the Bitter BerryGoat Willow
The leaf of willow is broadly elliptical, pointed and up to 10 cm (3,94 in) long. It is green and on the upper leaf surface slightly glossy. The leaf margins are finely serrated. Botanical name: Salix caprea
Information about the Goat WillowDune Willow
The leaf is ovate, dark-green, glossy and firm. The leaf is up to 10 cm (3.9 in) in size. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Salix hookeriana
Information about the Dune WillowWhitebeam
The leaf of whitebeam is dark green on the upper side and very bright white felty on the underside of of the leaf. Botanical name: Sorbus Aria
Information about the WhitebeamSwedish Whitebeam
The leaf of swedish whitebeam grows up to 10 cm (3,94 in). The upside of the leaf is dark green the leaf underside bright (gray felty). The leaf edge is uneven lobed and serrated. Botanical name: Sorbus intermedia
Information about the Swedish Whitebeam