Trees with ovoid leaves
Ovoid leaves are very common. also a large number of shrubs have ovoid leaves!
Ermans Birch
The leaf of ermans birch is green-yellow, ovate, pointed with a serrated leaf magin. The Leaf position is alternate. The autumn colors are yellow and orange. Botanical name: Betula ermanii
Information about the Ermans BirchAlnus firma
The leaves are ovate, green, solid and serrated. Note the high-spines along leaf edge. Botanical name: Alnus firma
Information about the Alnus firmaMaximowicz Birch
The leaves are heart-shaped to obovate, deciduous and the leaf margin serrate. Botanical name: Betula maximowicziana
Information about the Maximowicz BirchPaper Birch
The paper birch leaf is up to 10 cm (3,94 in) long and is tapered. The leaf edges are serrated. Botanical name: Betula papyrifera
Information about the Paper BirchBirch
The leaf of birch is tapered and the leaf edges of are serrated. The leaf grows up to 7 cm (2.8 in). The autumn color is golden yellow. Botanical name: Betula pendula
Information about the BirchThorn-Elm
The leaves are ovate to obovate and the leaf base is symmetrical. The leaf margin is serrated to strongly serrated. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Hemiptelea davidii
Information about the Thorn-ElmPontine Oak
The deciduous leaf is up to 20 cm (7.9 in) long and up to 10 cm (3.9 in) wide. The leaf arangement is alternate and the leaf margin is serrated. Botanical name: Quercus pontica
Information about the Pontine OakHornbeam Maple
The leaves are ovate, green and the leaf margin serrate. Botanical name: Acer carpinifolium
Information about the Hornbeam MapleSpaeth's Alder
The leaves of Spaerth's alder are ovoid, pointed and up to 16 cm (6.3 in) long. The underside of the leaf is matt green and brighter than the top. The leaf margin is serrated. Botanical name: Alnus spaethii
Information about the Spaeth's Alder