Trees with ovoid leaves
Ovoid leaves are very common. also a large number of shrubs have ovoid leaves!
Common Hackberry
The leaves of Common hackberry are glossy green, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate and the base is rounded and asymmetric. They are 6 - 10 cm (2.5 – 3.9 in) long and 2,5 – 5 cm (1 – 2 in) broad. The leaf margin is serrated. Botanical name: Celtis occidentalis
Information about the Common HackberryJapanese Beech
The leaf of this beech is dark green and ovate. The leaf margin is notched. The leaf arrangement is alternate and the autumn colors are yellow to brown. Botanical name: Fagus crenata
Information about the Japanese BeechAlder Buckthorn
The leaves are ovate with clearly visible veins. The leaf veins on he back of the page are bright green. The petiole is short and reddish brown. Botanical name: Rhamnus frangula
Information about the Alder BuckthornCockspur Hawthorn
The leaves of Cockspur hawthorn are ovate, glossy, dark green, hard and 5 – 6 cm (2 – 2.4 in) long. The leaf margin is serrated. The autumn color is very marked orange. Botanical name: Crataegus crus-galli
Information about the Cockspur HawthornFrosted Hawthorn
The leaves are dark green, shiny with a serrated margin. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Crataegus pruinosa
Information about the Frosted HawthornQuebec Hawthorn
The leaves are ovate, slightly sinuate and leaf margin coarsely toothed. Botanical name: Crataegus submollis
Information about the Quebec HawthornDowny Hawthorn
The leaves are ovate, pale green and the leaf margin is serrated. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Crataegus mollis
Information about the Downy HawthornDouglas Hawthorn
The leaves of Douglas hawthorn are ovate, lobed, tomentose, green and up to 5 cm (2 in) long. The leaf margin is serrated. Botanical name: Crataegus douglasii
Information about the Douglas HawthornRedhaw Hawthorn
The leaves are dark green, shiny with a serrated margin. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Crataegus sanguinea
Information about the Redhaw Hawthorn