Trees with ovoid leaves
Ovoid leaves are very common. also a large number of shrubs have ovoid leaves!
Tasmanian Swow gum
The leaves are oblong to oblong-oval, gray-green to whitish shimmer. The leaf margin is smooth. The leaves are variable in shape depending on the age of the tree. Botanical name: Eucalyptus coccifera
Information about the Tasmanian Swow gumGrey Ironbark
The leaves are ovate, green and the leaf edge is smooth. Botanical name: Eucalyptus paniculata
Information about the Grey IronbarkMongolian Oak
The leaves are obovate to oblong and summer green. The leaf arrangement is altenate. The leaves form a rosette at the branch tip. The leaf margin is coarsely toothed. Botanical name: Quercus mongolica
Information about the Mongolian OakMacedonian Oak
The leaf of the oak is ovoid, up to 8 cm (3.2 in) long, serrate conspicuous and the leaf arrangement is alternate. Botanical name: Quercus trojana
Information about the Macedonian OakPaper Mulberry
The leaf of the paper mulberry can look very different. The young leaves are often lobed, while the older ones are ovate. The petiole is very long, and the leaf has a length of up to 20 cm (7.9 in). The leaves are alternate. Botanical name: Broussonetia papyrifera
Information about the Paper MulberryLarge Leaved American Lime
The leaves are heart-shaped to oval and will be up to 20 cm (7.8 in) long. Botanical name: Tilia americacna 'Nova'
Information about the Large Leaved American Lime